Purely electronic devices may emulate the response of the needle they are VU-meters in as much as they respect the standard. In effect, the scale ranges from −20 VU to +3 VU, with −3 VU right in the middle. Under Preferences > Advanced > Display > VU meter you can set the rise time, and when you hover over the meter with your mouse you can use its scroll wheel to set the pre-amp.

You can change the meters response in foobar2000. The meter was designed not to measure the signal, but to let users aim the signal level to a target level of 0 VU (sometimes labelled 100%), so it is not important that the device is non-linear and imprecise for low levels. Reply 20 on: February 05, 2021, 06:54:03 PM. "0 VU is equal to +4 dBu, or 1.228 volts RMS, a power of about 2.5 milliwatts when applied across a 600-ohm load. So, the green units on the pic are the actual dB units? Is that what you prefer to see as opposed to the sort of mysterious (to me) VU units? FWIW from the Wikipedia: Now if you can get through THAT gobbly-gook explanation my hat is off to you, haha. It's hard to know what I'm really looking at as I'm so used to dB units, so I was eye-ballling the differences with the VU meter and "Enhanced Spectrum" Foobar plugin's peak readings and your Dejavu meter ( mod) and at -15db meter preamp it seemed to be around 3 units off from the dB peaks, but as those units apparently differ around 4 units (from what I was able to find out) that may be OK. Thanks to the built-in albums Cover, Foobar2000 is also very handsome. So you can play a song or a Playlist, without having to long-click menus. DarkOne v1.5.2.fcl C:Program Filesfoobar2000. The minimalist Skin ' Zoobar ' comes with no special Features and options. Hiccup: I wasn't familiar with the concept of VU units vs dB so I had to do some reading on that. foobar interface Columns UI file>preferrences>Display>Columns UI>Main>FCL importing and exporting>Import.