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Alldata auto repair software

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The Alpha 1 Team is dispatched to guard the shipment, with Furno observing. XPlode and his maniacal ally, Rotor, attack a shipment of explosives. Von Nebula, seeking to take revenge over the wrongs he believed were inflicted upon him, recruited a number of infamous criminals to his cause. Each Hero is unique thanks to their Quaza Core, a mineral stone that provides each of them with a distinct personality.Contents1 Story1.1 2010 – Rise of the Rookies1.1.1 Trials of Furno1.1.2 Core Crisis1.1.3 The Enemy Within1.1.4 Von Nebula1.2 2011A – Ordeal of Fire1.3 2011B – Savage Planet1.4 2012 – Breakout1.5 2013 – Brain Attack1.6 2014 – Invasion from Below2 Characters2.1 Heroes2.2 Villains2.2.1 Von Nebula's Gang2.2.2 Fire Villains2.2.3 Jungle Villains2.2.4 Legion of Darkness2.2.5 Brains2.2.6 Beasts2.2.7 Others3 Set information4 Adaptations4.1 Comics and books4.2 Television series5 Reception6 References7 External linksStory2010 – Rise of the RookiesTrials of FurnoVon Nebula was once the rookie Hero Von Ness, though he defected the organization after fleeing during an important mission causing his betrayal to Stormer and the injury of the team leader Thresher. New Heroes are constructed everyday and trained from the ground up.

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The Hero Factory itself is a towering skyscraper based in the fictional Makuhero City that is located on a terraformed asteroid. The theme was discontinued after 2014 in favor of reviving Bionicle.The story revolves around the Alpha 1 Team, a high-ranking group of robotic Heroes who work for the Hero Factory, a peacekeeping organisation whose objective is to fight crime across the galaxy and protect its similarly robotic populace. In its legacy, Hero Factory utilized the building system used in Bionicle before going on to create its own.

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The theme was launched in 2010 as a successor to the former Lego construction theme Bionicle, which ended its run earlier that year. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search Hero FactorySub‑themesHero Recon TeamAvailability2010–2014Total sets70Characters(See Characters)Hero Factory (stylized as HERO FACTORY) was a line of construction toys created by the Lego Group marketed primarily at 6-to-16-year-olds.

Alldata auto repair software